Down the rabbit hole: 5am

Wednesday, October 6


It's 5am and I'm up trying to squeeze some actual knowledge into my brain. It's been so long since I've done any actual work that it's taking me a lot longer than it should. Doesn't help that I'm back on FB and twitter every 10 minutes or so. Yes, I have been at school for more than 2 months so I have gotten my act together, but I guess I have more talent at this slacking thing than I previously estimated.

Anyways, life has been kind of a blur ever since school started, I don't remember much apart from trying to cram SOME reading in before class and trying to get sleep. Not to say that I haven't been having a good time of course. I remember dying to get back to some actual schoolwork around May because in all honesty, being someone's teacher isn't as cool as it seems. (And also, ugly work appropriate clothes eurgh. Teaching-appropriate wear is an awkard in-between from 'This is not too ugly to embarrass me while taking public transport' 'Teaching is srs bzns, but not too srs". That plus the fact that I would sleep at 2 and crawl out of bed at 5, it takes all the strength in the world to just put on something not lying on my armchair, and I have to admit I LACK THAT KIND OF RESOLVE.
Or maybe it was just because I was stuck in a staffroom with ALL MY EX-TEACHERS AND THAT IS POSSIBLY THE MOST AWKARD THING EVER. Really, playing pokemon and looking at DBSK's abs are things I never wanted any teacher to catch me doing, but oh well!~)

Law ain't too bad, it's all sorts of interesting so far, though I've heard this may only be because we're fortunate enough to do crim in our first term. Which reminds me, there's one case that has seriously been bugging me. (I will now give you the shittiest case facts you've ever been given because it's nearly 5am and I''m sure 90% of you won't really care anyway. If you're someone from school, DONT JUDGE ME @_@[This is my pleading face, neurotic and fearful look in the eyes as extra])
I'm going to leave out all the legally pertinent issues, but basically these two guys, Soosay and Kuppiah visited Lim (a transvestite) to recover their friend's gold chain which Lim was believed to have stolen after her services were employed by said friend. Words were said and Lim basically took out a knife and made a motion that was interpreted as an attempt to stab Kuppiah. Soosay then kicked Lim to the ground and at this point, the weapon changed hands to Soosay's.
In spite of Soosay being armed, Lim kept charging at Soosay, resulting in her being 'stabbed' multiple times. Keep in mind that Lim is not a normal woman, meaning, she was pretty damn strong.
Sometime during this, Kuppiah after fumbling through the Lim's purse for the chain, ran away.
Anyway to keep things simple, Lim died from the stab wounds and Soosay was charged with culpable homicide not amounting to murder.
I thought it was pretty strange that right of private defence was not granted when it was acknowledged that Lim would have used the knife to devastating effect if she had it. That and the fact that it Kuppiah was not there at that moment, yet the fact that there were two of them were taken into consideration when ascertaining the reasonable apprehension of danger?
Sorry, this has just been bugging me so much. I just hate to think that Soosay is being locked away for 9 years because of this. I wonder how the friend whom he tried to help recover the gold chain for feels about this.
Also, to all my friends, if I ever need you to help me recover something or you feel like I've been wronged and want to stand up for me, can you make sure that you don't go to jail while doing so?(DORA CLAIRE IM LOOKING AT YOU)
Well I guess it's a little comforting that at least most people feel the same way about this case. I was talking to prof about this after class and told her I was having an extremely difficult time reconciling with the case and she laughed and said I wasn't the only one.

Anyways, back to work.
And I think I've posted this everywhere, but let's put it down here for posterity's sake. I managed to get a VIP ticket to JYJ! My hands were literally shaking in between keying in details and texting Sixuan about the portal opening early. I am so so thankful. I don't know how I'm going not die watching and HEARING them live.

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